Nikon "The Chase" SXSW Experiential Stunt

Nikon "The Chase" SXSW Experiential Stunt

Nikon celebrity endorser Ashton Kutcher and his production company Katalyst Films wanted an outside-the-norm idea to generate fresh awareness for the world-leading imaging brand. We helped them create “The Chase” mobile tour campaign for Nikon’s 18+ skew, inviting participants to pursue Ashton through the streets of Austin during SXSW.

Why SXSW?  It’s a huge social media event, obviously, with profound reach and effect on technology product influencers and ordinary consumers alike.

  • People “checked-in” via Foursquare for hints on how to find Ashton, win Nikon products and receive giveaways and the next clue to his whereabouts.
  • After four successful “hit and misses” Ashton was finally found — whereupon he gave away tickets to the exclusive Nikon VIP meet-and-greet at SXSW and surprised the crowd by swapping out their old digital imaging equipment for brand-new Nikon imaging gear. Say cheese!