WeChat College Influencer Pilot Program

WeChat College Influencer Pilot Program

TRG helped WeChat, a social media platform with enormous popularity in China, gain U.S. traction through a test program aimed at college students that would help determine best practices for a larger rollout nationwide.

The challenge?  Make students and young adults download and experience the platform.  Once they’d enjoyed its host of features, we knew they’d prove fervent adopters who’d advance the cause in an era of “Facebook fatigue” among YAs.

TRG picked UCLA as the optimum test campus for Q4 2013 – with a highly social student body projecting huge influence across other schools, and where incoming freshmen are highly-disposed to trying new social and assimilation tools.  Our tactical mix included…

  • Recruiting a cadre of student influencers with large social footprints to drive brand awareness and trial (like the example at right) familiar with WeChat, campus life, and at least one large social group
  • They posted about WeChat on their own social pages, passed out merchandise and app download collaterals, recruited other influencers
  • A “WeChat StudyBreak” promotion awarding a huge pizza party through a local restaurant partner
  • Another tie-in with Haute LA Bourtique e awarded a $100 gift code to WeChat downloaders
  • Partnering with UCLA’s undergrad advertising/promotion internship program to enlist 40 brand ambassadors behind a “WeChat StudyBreak” promotion
  • They distributed hundreds of branded sunglasses and t-shirts as incentives for downloading WeChat
  • A “WeChat Jeep” made the rounds on campus, supporting the brand and our promotion

The results? Strong brand awareness across UCLA’s student body, as we…

  • Drove authentic user buzz and incremental WeChat downloads across key UCLA student groups, including dorms, fraternities and sororities
  • Established a “go-to” team of influencers and best practices for future programs
  • Delineated a model for cross-promotions and partnerships for those subsequent executions