Eight Tips to Bringing “The Big Idea” to Life

You just sold the BIG idea. You spent countless hours and long nights developing, tweaking and pitching concepts to your client and the ink is still fresh on the dotted line. The client is, naturally, expecting the campaign to go off without a hitch. That’s when reality hits- your idea is only as good as your execution. Now it’s time to bring The Big Idea to life. Where do you begin?

1) Make a List; Check it Twice! Integrated promotional campaigns are not rocket science, but they do require serious organization, planning and constant attention to detail. Start by defining all action items, make check lists, create timelines, and stick to deadlines. Schedule key deadlines leading up to the launch of the campaign and key aspects during the campaign. Allot enough time to accomplish each task and avoid incurring rush charges by setting appropriate deadlines

2) Dividing Tasks Multiplies Success. Assemble a dependable team to support you throughout the campaign. Accountability and reliability will be key in successful execution. Think of anyone and everyone you will need to ensure flawless execution. Work with vendors and partners you trust. Train a team to not only meet deadlines but work together in stressful situations. Your team is, after all, the life line to your campaign.

3) Talk the Talk. Walk the Walk. Clear effective communication between you and your team will determine the success of the campaign. Create a contact list of your campaign team and include partners and vendors. Keep everyone in the loop. Emails, phone calls, websites, and regular meetings are good ways to keep everyone one the same page. When everyone is in the know there is no excuse for anything falling through the cracks.

4) Failing to Plan Means Planning to Fail. Start early. There is no such thing as having too much time to plan. On most projects you will probably be working on a very tight turn around so use the time you have wisely. Provide clear direction to your team and hold them accountable for all deliverables to keep things moving toward your launch date.

5) If Plan A Fails, Remember You Have 25 Letters Left. Be prepared for the unexpected. If you plan for the worst you will be ready for anything and you can course correct with plan B, C, D since you thought ahead! Vendors and partners can be great resources but when you have to rely on others it is vital to be a step ahead in the case that they don’t deliver the goods.

6) Go With the Flow. Everything will not go as planned. Be able to think on your feet and adjust along the way when it makes sense. If you feel something could work better a different way, implement a new strategy.

7) Capture the Moment: Take a ton of pictures throughout the duration of live campaign from the beginning to the end to illustrate the campaigns success and learning curve. Be confident in your campaign and capture it all on paper to show it off! It will be important to include these in your final report to the client.

8) Don’t Forget to Stop and Smell the Roses. Executing a campaign can get hectic and its very easy to keep your head down to focus on getting things done. Don’t forget to come up for air and enjoy the moment. Your work is amazing and who better to see  greatness in motion than the person who made it all happen- you.

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